2045 Source : Pentagon, Darpa article : https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/10/the-world-in-2045-according-to-pentagon-researchers?utm_content=buffera6311&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer The world will be a very different place in 2045. Predicting the future is fraught with challenges , but when it comes to technological advances and forward thinking, experts working at the Pentagon's research agency may be the best people to ask. Launched in 1958, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is behind some of the biggest innovations in the military — many of which have crossed over to the civilian technology market. These include things like advanced robotics, global-positioning systems, and the internet. So what's going to happen in 2045? It's pretty likely that robots and artificial technology will transform a bunch of industries, drone aircraft will cont